I believe that my group and I have begun our documentary filming task on the right foot. We have our basic idea and know what things we would like to incorporate and include in our 6-9 minute film. I have made a linear dot pointed list of the things that will occur in our documentary. The purpose of this is so that Nadia, Libby and I all have the same picture in our head and aren't thinking of totally different documentaries while trying to film it. This dot point list was posted earlier today, along with the finalised questions that we are planning to ask the people we are interviewing who are: St. Hilda's Students, Mr Andrews (teacher at St. Hilda's School), and a psychologist.
Arising Issues with the Psychologist interview.
I like to believe it is problems with communication that had disabled us to secure an interview with a psychologist or student studying psychology at Griffith University. They had emailed us back saying they do not know of anyone that specialised in mental health and social media. We contacted them saying that we are willing to interview anyone who could answer the questions and wouldn't mind being interviewed. To this day we have not received a response. To solve our problem, we have decided to search on the internet for interviews that have already been taken that have relevance to our documentary, so as we can put them in in replacement of the psychologist interview.
Filming Progress.
On Wednesday 2nd March, Nadia, Libby and I got together for the afternoon to film lots of random shots of technology and social media. These shots will specifically be used for the places where there will be shots in rapid succession. Yesterday, Thursday 3rd March, Nadia was unable to film with us. So, Libby and I decided we would focus on the voice-overs for the animation part of the documentary. This was where I was saying this: "Researches say that approximately 90 percent of teens worldwide that have access to the internet use social media. Whilst this is shocking over 93,296,618,834 emails will be sent today alone, 2,295,827 cellular phones will be sold today, and out of the 7.4 billion people in the world, 3,316,470,888 - use the Internet worldwide. It is shocking to discover that One in 16 young Australians are currently experiencing depression, as well as one in six young Australians, currently experiencing an anxiety condition."
Libby has been working on putting together an animation to go together with our statistics. A problem that she came across while doing this was matching the dialogue with the actual animation but we got there in the end. Shoutout to VideoScribe for helping her do this.
Here are screenshots of some of the shots that we took today

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